Legal Consultancy

It is a service branch that ensures the fulfillment of the rights that need to be protected and the rights of the injured persons with the legal service to be provided. This service branch is divided into various branches due to the way the works done and the services provided. If we go under the main headings;


Family Court cases: These courts come up with a solution of  the disputes arising from family law. Divorce, alimony, custody, adoption, paternity cases are examples for family court cases.

Labor lawsuits: These are the cases in which the the disputes between employees and  employers are resolved ; the majority of the cases are about emoloyees’ receivables.

Court of First Instance: We can say that these are the cases with the widest field of interest. These cases are mostly cases where no special courts are set up. E.g; Lawsuits regarding the receivables between two citizens who are not merchants.

First-line trade: These are the cases in which one party or two legal or real persons are  traders and concern a commercial relationship.

Magistrates’ legal: These cases are mostly those that concern simple judgments. There are many subjects in its field of interest.

Cadastre lawsuits: These are the cases related to the events that affect the citizens and are related to the cadastral process. For example; a lawsuit is filed in the cadastral courts for the list where a land, known as 2B,  is determined as for use and is suspended by the cadastre.

Consumer courts: This is the case where one party is a consumer and the other party is a merchant and the consumer sustained a loss. These lawsuits are mostly for the protection of the consumer’s rights.


Criminal cases are the types of cases in which crimes and criminals are involved or in which a person is wrongfully accused. These are the types of cases in which the rights of persons whose rights have been usurped (for example, their property stolen, threatened, defrauded) are protected. In this type of judgment, it is very important to get legal assistance, as oral judgment is essential. Because you are in the position of the suspect and you will have to defend yourself well against injustice and protect your rights. Likewise, if you are a victim or a complainant, the damage caused by the accused party should be clearly revealed.


Tax lawsuits: This type of lawsuit is the type of lawsuit in which tax-related hostilities are resolved. Conflicts such as objection to wrongly deducted taxes and objection to tax penalties are resolved with this type of lawsuit.

Administrative lawsuits: When the action taken by the administration is thought to be unfair, rights are sought with this type of lawsuit. This area is a very large area on its own. Because, from municipal transactions to ministry transactions, rights are sought through an administrative lawsuit against the acts performed by all state institutions. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to get legal support in this field, which is subject to a very wide legislation.


This field is a very specific field and is related to many branches of law. Namely, two non-Turkish foreigners got married in another country, but they are going to get divorced in Turkey, what kind of path is followed here? For the solution of this and similar situations, legal service support for foreigners has arisen. Within this service, many people who are not Turkish citizens need citizenship procedures, residency procedures. For example, there are many ways for a person or family to become a Turkish citizen. Such as by parentage, by marriage, by investment (by buying a real estate worth 250.000 USD and by putting an annotation that it cannot be sold for at least 3 years or by blocking 500.000 USD on the condition that it cannot be withdrawn to the bank for 3 years.)


This service branch should be explained as follows; Joint stock companies must have a company structure lawyer. In limited companies, it is obligatory to have a lawyer in limited companies with a capital of at least 250,000 TL. Otherwise, a fine will be applied. In addition, companies need the support of a lawyer, as they are constantly negotiating legal agreements as part of their business.


In cases where people are creditors or debtors, they are required to follow this legal method in order to settle their money through the state. For this reason, it would be healthier to be followed by a lawyer.


These methods are new. It is the non-court means brought for the delivery of the rights and receivables of the person very quickly. For example; Insurance Arbitration Commission is to represent the parties in the mediation procedures applied for employee receivables.



Parties need a lawyer to learn what their business is and what jurisdiction is dealing with it. Otherwise, it may suffer legal damage.