So many countries where hospitals are not quiet competent in health services and cannot fully meet the needs of people. For this reason, the number of foreigners, who come to our country from many parts of the world in a hope of finding healing is increasing day by day. As Afrikasya, we ensure that these patients receive treatment in contracted hospitals in our country through our offices. At the same time, we help with all kinds of accommodation, personal needs and medical supplies.
Afrikasya is one of the few companies that have “Group A Certificate” in health tourism, not only in Istanbul and the surrounding provinces, but also in the Balkans and Europe. By means of this certificate, Afrikasya can serve not only in private hospitals, but at City Hospitals as well.
As Afrikasya, we accept patients from all over the world. With this aspect, Afrikasya is the center of health tourism, especially in cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, in vitro fertilization, organ and tissue transplantation, neurosurgery, eye, orthopedics, urology, cancer surgery, dental, plastic surgery, ERCP, Endoscopy, Bronoscopy. It stands out with its internal medicine procedures, neurology and sleep center, dermatology and cosmetology departments.