Financial Concultancy

Accounting Services

According to the Turkish Commercial Code and the Tax Procedure Law, we keep our customers’ legal books and prepare their tax returns. We check the accounting records kept within your company, issued and incoming invoices during our monthly visits and approve your declarations. We provide consultancy services by our financial advisors on the needed issues related to accounting and tax legislation.

 Registration and Registry Transactions

We provide consultancy services and manage the process on your behalf in company establishment transactions, general assembly organizations, capital increase and decrease transactions, share transfer, amendment of articles of association, liquidation, merger, type change, issue of share certificates.

 Establishment of Accounting Systems

For our customers who want to set up their accounting system within the company, we establish accounting systems that will fulfill their demands, and we provide consultancy services to ensure that their systems work effectively and efficiently.

 Financial Reporting

We prepare financial reporting formats in line with the demands and needs of our customers and we perform weekly, monthly and quarterly financial reports.

 VAT Refund Transactions

We provide all kinds of consultancy and training services regarding the preparation of lists for VAT refund, determination of refund amounts, preparation of VAT Refund Report and VAT Refund transactions.



* Keeping the legal books in accordance with the Uniform Chart of Accounts and the Tax Procedure Law,

* Preparation of all monthly, quarterly and annual tax returns and sending them electronically to the Tax Administration,

* Preparing the balance sheet and income statement within the framework of the relevant legislation,

* Financial reporting in monthly, quarterly and annual periods in a format suitable for the demand,

* Support services in e-Defter (Ledger), e-Fatura (Invoice) and other similar applications,

* Value Added Tax Refund Transactions,

* Preparation of accounting process, declaration, payroll transactions and annual activity reports of liaison offices.


* Preparation of accounting records and submission of declarations, financial data of monthly and annual exemption reports regarding Technopark tax and SSI practices within the scope of Technology Development Zones Law No. 4691 and Law No. 5746 on Supporting Research and Development Activities.